Pre select counter/ high frequency monitor dislay and count a pre-set number of pulses dislay and monitor frequencies up to 10000Hz


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These devices incorporate 2 relays. If relay 1 is configured for COUNTING, relay 2 may be configured as a COUNTER, RPM, Freq, PPh monitor. If relay 1 is configured for a mode other than COUNTER, then both relay 1 and 2 are automatically configured for the same function, ie  The device cannot simultaneously montor RPM and Freq. or RPM and PPh.


FUNCTION:                                                        counter/frequency
SET POINT:                                                       1-49999 pulses
RELAY OUTPUT:                                                continous/pulse
REVERSE RELAY (relay status after counting): open/close
PRE-SCALE (pulses/count):                             1-200 pulses
POST-SCALE (count/pulses):                            1-200
INPUT PULSE SPEED:                                        mechanical/fast
PULSE EDGE (leading/trailing):                        close/open


Input range:                           0-9999 pulses,0-9999 RPM,0-5000Hz, 0-9999 pulses per hour
Maximum display value:         9999
Pre-scale:                               1-1000 pulses
Post-scale:                             1-1000
Decimal pointer:                     9999, 9.999, 99.99, 999,9
Accuracy:                                Counter mode : 100%
Freq, RPM,PPh : ±0.05%
Display Resolution:                Counter: 0.001 to 9999
Freq, RPM, PPh: 1
Input voltage:                         ±15% of rated voltage
Led indication:                        Relay status
Reset time:                             0.5 sec (power supply reset) 0.05 sec (reset pulse)
Response time:                       Counter: <0.02s
Freq, RPM, PPh: <1.1s
Input frequency                      “FASt”: 0-8000 Hz “SLO”: 0-5 Hz

Pulse source type mechanical switch or NPN proximity

All parameters are saved to non-volatile eeprom memory, thus eliminating the need to re-program after a power failure

incorporates a crystal oscillator to maintain accurate timing

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